This Week I Have Mostly Been Listening To… Julia Jacklin

A new music project for 2024. I’ve started a blog and I’m going to be featuring a different band/artist each week.

This week’s artist is Julia Jacklin, about whom I know very little.

Wikipedia tells me that she’s Australian and I have no reason to doubt that. She’s 33 and she’s released three studio albums to date; Don’t Let The Kids Win (2016), Crushing (2019) and Pre Pleasure (2022). She’s usually categorised under the broad brush of ‘Indie Pop’ but she cites her influences as Doris Day, The Andrews Sisters, Björk and Billy Bragg – which ticks a number of boxes for me!

She’s one of those artists that often crop up on my Spotify playlists and I realise now that she’s been slowly working her way into my ken over the years. A few weeks ago, when I was putting together a playlist of songs from 2022 that I’d somehow missed at the time, I connected properly with one of her songs for the first time and now I can’t stop listening to her.

I’ve chosen seven songs to whet your appetite, including Ignore Tenderness (the song that first grabbed me), to Perth, before the border closes (which is one the greatest song titles!) and a wonderful, lo-fi cover of The Strokes’ Someday.


This Week I Have Mostly Been Listening To… Julia Jacklin

Official website

My Pal Wants Your Money!

Following up on the WordPress Renewal post from Tuesday, I have confirmed that Paypal will transfer your dollars, euros, dongs, rupees, whatever into English Pounds for those of you not in the UK. So you can contribute to the £102 cost of keeping The Spill going for another year! Yay!

According to the test Shoey and I undertook yesterday, it turns your $10 into £7.57 for me (the spillboss, not Chris’s private slush fund….). He was charged a $0.99 fee on top – maybe due to using a debit card? – but I suspect that’s unavoidable when finance companies do something.

So, if you would like to be added to the list of this year’s contributors, can’t pay in GBP but can use Paypal, please send an email to Chris at the address in Tuesday’s email. He’ll get back to you near the end of January once he knows the total number of contributors.

Thank you

10 Songs

They say a good image is worth 1000 words but can any old image be worth a song. Ten songs would be nice. Go ahead, suggest a song.

Do certain images make you think of certain songs? Does music bring images to mind? I can answer yes to both, but I’m intrigued to find out if others do.

I can make this a regular topic or others can take up the reins. And as the sort of host liable to walk out of my own party to find somewhere quieter, don’t expect many replies.

Riffing on Fintan’s reply, here’s an image to show you don’t need to take a photo or draw. I used MS Bing Image Creator and the prompt:

Male teenager and female teenager sat in a classic American car In Colorado. They are waiting outside an American pizza diner. Use the graphic novel style of Daniel Clowes.