Livestreams (involving $$$)

Complementary to barbryn’s livestream-on-youtube series, I’d like to mention a couple of other options – the difference being these actually cost Geld. (If you’re not at all interested in this, please just ignore this post).

I came across a Norwegian duo called Ellison at the Reeperbahn Festival last year and really enjoyed their music, to the point that the song posted above made it to my Festive ‘Spill shortlist. They are playing tomorrow, January 21st at 18:00 CET (that’s 5 p.m. UK time, I’m afraid I’m useless with the rest of the world) and the concert’s being streamed on VIERLIVE. I had never heard of this company before, but they’re charging me €5 for the pleasure, so I thought I’d give it a go. There’s not many places I could even buy a beer at a gig for that kind of money.

A while ago I mentioned Live To Your Living Room, more for the folkies among us, where you sometimes literally get artists singing in their own front room at home and sometimes it’s a hybrid concert-at-a-folk-club/zoom affair. Tickets start at £10 and you only need one per device or per household, regardless of how many people are watching. They’ve got some interesting stuff coming up, including Martin Simpson on January 26th and Fay Hield on May 2nd (and loads more in-between).

My intention in posting this is more public service announcement than advertisement. The advertisement comes now, when I tell you that Philne Sonny, winner of several German newcomer awards, will be playing London and Bristol in May – and her guitar player is none other than TheBoyWonder himself. See you there if I can make it happen!