This Week I Have Mostly Been Listening To… Mitski

Mitski, then…

The subject of the fourteenth episode of this blog has proved, if the reaction to my daily posts on my Facebook account is anything to go by, to be by far the least engaging so far. The silence has been deafening.

Which begs the question, ‘why?’

She’s definitely hard to define. Her music doesn’t fit into any neat pigeon holes and it’s not instantly accessible. She’s a singer/songwriter with broadly ‘indie’ sensibilities but her music swings wildly from mainstream pop to angst-ridden shoutyness. There are elements of Florence & The Machine and Kate Bush, and perhaps a touch of Lady Gaga, with occasional nods in the direction of Taylor Swift. She unapologetically makes music the way that she wants it to be made and, much like Swift, appears to have complete creative control over her output and the way that it’s presented to the world.

This might sound contradictory but she’s incredibly popular for someone that most people have never heard of! 35 million monthly listeners on Spotify (her most popular song, My Love Mine All Mine, has nearly 850 million Spotify plays!) places her, if not quite in the Premier League, certainly competing for promotion from the Championship – so I’m somewhat suprised by the underwhelming response to what I’ve been posting.

Personally, I feel that what the world needs is more artists like Mitski. I love what she does and I’m eagerly looking forward to whatever she comes up with next.

Meanwhile, enjoy…