Radio Abahachi: Kind of Mauve

Or, The Hits (and some misses), Part I; first in a new series of podcasts in which Abahachi comes to terms with the fact that he’s never going to get a song A-listed ever again, and looks back over selected highlights of the glory years…
Radio Abahachi Episode 6a

16 thoughts on “Radio Abahachi: Kind of Mauve

  1. I’m live blogging it, as far as my evening’s dinner preparations allow..
    Great start.
    There’s coincidentally a feature on Under Milk Wood in this week’s 50 moments of jazz thread, on GU, also with a link to Starless and Bible black. A wonderful piece of music.

  2. There’s a certain head throbbing appeal to the Fever Ray.. I wouldn’t listen to it if I was stressed, though.. probably the same applies to the Mogwai, I’d need to be really “up” not to feel down. It’s quite lusciously lugubrious though.

  3. The Hawkwind starts off a bit like John Barry’s On her majesty’s secret service soundtrack!

    Snappy waltz break coming up… it does still sound like a Bond theme, all those minor descending chords.. nice.
    Ooh, fluteness and synth madness- all good. I’m into this- in parts there’s an almost Wansel-like quality to the synth work.

    Ha- you’re just another waffly justifier.. embrace it!!

    The Roxy music track reminds me of a flat I had in Wellington.. my neighbour had a monstrously expensive Hi-Fi and played this quite a lot. It suited his designer furniture and sipping wine on balmy evenings looking over the botanical gardens, in any case.

  4. There was indeed a certain ‘downness’ theme to this selection, hence the title; I’ve always tended to pick music that suits my mood, rather than music that might lift me out of the current slump.

    Must check out the 50 Great Moments thread. When do they come out normally? I’ve been checking every couple of days for what seems like weeks, simply because we’re getting closer to the 1970s and all sorts of delicious arguments.

  5. Incidentally, I don’t think you did pinch my idea; rather, I decided to take your idea and produce podcasts rather than just posts.

    Currently hiding up in computer room as Mrs Abahachi has long, involved and frequently shouty conversation/row with daughter over the phone. The latter’s boyfriend has been away for five weeks on an aid mission to Gaza, and has recently been in the news when group was apparently kidnapped by a Greek sea captain supposedly hired to transport them, so is naturally a little hysterical. At one point she started wanting to talk to me instead, which is why I fled…

  6. The “great moments” pop up seemingly at random.. I think there’d be more response if it was a regular slot. Interesting idea re moods.. I guess I need a pick-up if I’m down, rather than a “wallow-in-it” moment. Though this can mean choosing something cathartic, it’s generally “up” cathartic as opposed to “down” cathartic.
    Funny that all these A-listers of yours were picked in weeks I also got things selected- celestial bodies, myths, unsettling songs, night and darkness. Maybe themes that fit our particular modus operandi- though I didn’t justify some of mine as long-windedly as I sometimes do, either..

    I hope it’s nothing serious with the boyfriend…

  7. Latest news is that boyfriend has landed safely somewhere in Greece. She is now convinced that he’ll be on the next plane home; I’ve known enough political idealists (and have elements of that tendency myself) to be pretty sure that he’s going to spend the next couple of days trying to get the decommissioned ambulances into Gaza by some other route, and so she’s going to be even more anxious and pissed off.

    I do do ‘up’, honest; indeed, I have to decide whether to do an entire podcast of my heavy rock moments, or spread them out a bit.

  8. Just finished listening to this, Abahachi, and I have to say that (apart from Avalon – never been a Roxy Music fan) I loved it.

    This bit about the mood of the whole piece actually pushes my buttons, particularly tonight, as I sit here waiting for the washing machine to finish with the bathroom mats . . .

    I’m definitely feeling kinda mauve, (pale, pink, but greyer and bluer? Oh Yeah!!) having just flooded the bathroom, falling asleep whilst waiting for the bath to fill, and being badly let down by the overflow. The first DsMam knew about it was when water dripped off the lounge ceiling onto her. That ceiling, and the bathroom floor laminate have DEFINITELY had it.


    Oh well, there goes the money allocated for our mutual Christmas present – we were planning on raiding the Boxing Day Sales for a new TV – and Christ only knows when I’ll next manage a pass for a night out.

    So thank you for sending me to bed with Mogwai ringing in my ears, as opposed to my wife’s “reserved-for-special-occasions-of-real-stupidity” admonishing tones.


  9. Abahachi, is this still up?

    I’ve just got back from one of my Swedish jaunts and was very much looking forward to it, but it says File Not Found

  10. I haven’t done anything to remove it, so it ought to be there, but this may be one of those moments when someone who understands such things mutters something about resetting the bandwith or whatever. I can try sending it as an attachment if you give me an email address; otherwise I have no idea what to do…

  11. great stuff Aba.

    Are you doing it chronologically by when each tune was listed?

    A great variety of genres there. The surprise hit for me was Hawkwind, a band I know very little about, but a sound I can see myself digging

  12. Not chronological at all (I think Fever Ray was one of my last ever listings…), rather organised on the twin (and somewhat contradictory) principles of variety (so, not all the jazz tunes together) and mood (hence, for various reasons, the down-beat tendencies of this episode).

    I have an enormous affection for Hawkwind, though I’d have to admit that some of their songs can be very silly indeed. Can’t quite decide whether this one is especially typical or not; it’s got all the space-rock elements of their 70s golden period, but only a minority of their tracks are instrumental, and they have been known to drop into a much clunkier rock mode…

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