7 thoughts on “Imagine

  1. What is this, Ash? My parents have just left after a looooong weekend, so I rushed to log on and found this. Brilliant. I feel like a Mensch again!

  2. It’s from Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse’s latest BBC TV series. Obvs its not broadcast in Hungary. Unlike many of their neighbouring countries, the Hungarians are still catching up with the BBC’s 80’s comedy shows; and, of course, dubbing them into Hungarian – nothing so progressive and forward thinking as subtitling is even properly considered.. he muttered away to himself, frustratedly..

    Anyway, I’ve liked a lot of what Enfield and Whitehouse have done as a team, especially this latest batch, and wanted to recommend them to The Spill. The attention to detail in these Beatles skits is lovely; who plays who, who gets which lines, all the Beatley references, even the accents are at least distinguishable – and the songs are done well too obviously. Nice job.

    I cant help imagining that Britain’s ageist media probably quietly does them down, gently writing them off as ready for retirement, but on this evidence i’d say they were actually more likely to take risks with upsetting the status quo than the younger comics. If the ‘Laurel and Hardy version of Brokeback Mountain’ is anything to go by, they certainly know how to keep people from falling asleep in front of them. Amen to that then!

  3. Sorry, but Harry & Paul have completely run out of steam. Yes, this is a good joke but, like all their other sketches, they squeeze every last drop out of the idea and then keep squeezing. They’re still doing ‘stupid American tourists can be crass and embarrassing’, ‘posh people can be stupid and extremely gullible’, ‘working class men with cultivated tastes are funny when juxtaposed against real working class blokes who like football and a pint’ and several other sketches that should have died last series, if not earlier. Their laziness makes me angry these days which, given how funny and inventive they have been in the past, makes me even more angry.
    Watch The Rutles for some inventive Beatles’ piss-takes or go back to the earlier H&P – probably being shown on Dave – when the ideas were fresh. Remember Bono and The Edge flat-sharing? Bono’s wristbands: Make Poverty History, Feed The World, Cancel Third World Debt, Collect Dry Cleaning…?

  4. Shiv, I read that a year or two ago, probably last time you posted the link on the mothership. It’s indeed a cracking tale – John walks out before they get famous, but still takes the drugs !

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