Here We Go Again

24 thoughts on “Here We Go Again

  1. I demand ‘no children’ oh okay then – Dance Music I tried to get in something like genres… one of my fag’s… so that’s what the volume knob is for.

    Broken Family Band – I always seem to like, even though it isn’t really my type of singing voices from them both.

    my latest novel builds to a great finale.

    ha ha heaven 17 – wasn’t expecting that.

    what’s file 13 – seems to be lost… on this play.

    (You Fucking People Make Me Sick – Swans, by any chance?)

    need more listens.. good first run, ta shoey

  2. Don’t have time to listen until tonight, but hey, “new computer”?! Has Christmas come early in the sane house?


    • Christmas and birthdays ’til I’m 60!

      had to do some fast talkin’ to get a now ‘out of date’ one (since october) saving me vast amounts – but perfect enough for my design stuff. The last straw was dumping 14,000 songs off the last one and it still not having the ability to save a bit of artwork. (and when the vat goes up and the Ms.s maternity money reduces, I knew we just wouldn’t be able to afford anything ever again)

      But after that – I stay up on thursday – all keen ‘cos I can read the blog again – and what happens.. they start showing repeats.

      will be trying to do a post later.. fingers crossed eh.

      (let’s see what this comes out like )

      • At the risk of sounding like an old fart, would risk a further splurge on some backup if you haven’t already. You may be able to replace (some) of the tunes, but not the artwork.

        Don’t know what prices are like over there, but here you can get a Terrabyte of storage for around $100 or even 2 for $150. Most of the drives come with backup software included that you set up once & then will work in the background.

      • shoey – I have large external hard drives for artwork and music – dumping songs off computers isn’t that much of a hardship- but now working out how to get itunes on the new one to read and play from the music drive is proving beyond me.

        I always did that before, but it just skips back to default when I try to get it to read from the external drive itunes folder thing.. is there an easy way or is it apple making it impossible to read your own music again?

        I got it to read a special folder of 2010 songs – but it just copied them into the new itunes on the computer – I don’t want it full up of my music —- arrrrrhhhhhh.

      • Sounds like i-Tunes has created a new database rather than using the old one – so (obviously) something went wrong. The i-tunes database files are usually in My Music/I-tunes – you need the ones from your old computer. The path to the actual music files i-Tunes is using can be found by going to: Edit/Preferences/Advanced tab. You can change the path here to the external drive.

        Before you do that, it’s not a bad idea to have i-Tunes organize/manage your music files before the move. To do that go to Edit/Preferences/Advanced tab in the old i-Tunes & check the two boxes. Also if, you’re not yet using the new i-Tunes “media” file structure, I would update that too. The i-Lounge articles will walk you through it.

        Girls have gone shopping, so have some availability for on-line support if you need it.

      • thanks shoey – can’t even look at it at the moment..
        Baby Pip’xeo is in a ‘don’t put me down’ mood. the missus is in a ‘need sleep’ mood.

        so my brain is in keep them chilled mood.

        Edit/Preferences/Advanced tab. You can change the path here to the external drive – that;s what i thought i did.. then it jumped back to the default setting.

        i’m off work for a week – so will get a chance to play soon.

      • shoey – cheers for that link – it was the operating systems not recognising each other – might have realised that, but….d’oh:

        If the “Keep iTunes Media folder organized” option is enabled, deselect it and click OK. Then, go back into your Advanced preferences and RE-select this option and again click OK.

        This will tell iTunes to go through your iTunes Media folder and ensure that all music files are named according to its defaults.

        phew, shoulda guessed! – new itunes is reading from the external hard drive and I can play shit loads again… yeah hey hey – ta mate.

        (it tells me i can probably copy the library too – is that the folders down the side? – sod it might start again – brain might frazzle)

  3. Hey can I get in on this also, yesterday I bought a new computer and today a new car! Somebody’s got to get this economy moving, right? 2 terabytes plus 1 more external back up. Won’t be here for 2 weeks, they have to build ’em in China and then ship em here. Then I get to do a total rewiring plus a lot of transfer.

    • so whose economy are you kick starting?
      guess it’s still an apple computer as you sing their praises… if it is and it’s shipped from china – why are they twice the price in the uk? you could just re-direct the post.

      the car?
      is there an Irish one.. costing about 7billion you could purchase?
      weird how the UKs bail out for them will be the same as ALL the savings these cuts are supposed to make.

      enjoy your new toys GF.. think I will have fun this week with mine… photoshop is now a cinema screen pleasure to work on.

  4. Shane: I think I’m kick starting the Chinese and the Japanese since we don’t have one of our own. Of course it’s a Mac, it’s the Big Mac, 27″, very fast and I’m going to boost the RAM to 12GB when it arrives. I think everything is twice the price in the UK because of taxation plus the British public accepts it. I had to pay over $2000 in sales tax on the car, California has an 18 billion dollar deficit, that’s my contribution. I also enjoy Photoshop on the big screen plus Aperture, I’m going to re-organise everything with the new computer and do a lot more with images.

  5. And Shane, re. that 7 billion Irish car, I’m seriously worried about what’s going on there, I have forebears from Sligo and retain a strong identification with Ireland. As bad as it is now it must only get seriously worse in the future. Given the cuts in services and increases in taxes, there will be mass migrations [haven’t we seen that before] which will deplete the tax base even further which will necessitate even more cuts in social services; it’s an unending downward spiral. All my sympathies lie with the people on the streets, we all need to learn from the French.

  6. Shoey: I’ve indicated before my interest in cars and I suspect that to most UK spillers I might seem a bit round the bend. For starters I have 5 vehicles, but that seems quite reasonable compared to my mate who has 18! Five might raise eyebrows but my newest is 23 years old, my day to day car is 27 years old and my Porsche is 46 years old, the Porsche and the everyday driver, a large SDL Mercedes are both in showroom condition despite have over 560, 000 miles between them; I look after them. And from a financial pov, I have less than $20,000 invested in all my cars: total! [That was until yesterday!]
    My wife’s car, a Mercury [Ford] started giving some trouble with only 185,000 on the clock so we decided to trade it in. Yesterday we bought a Lexus, an absolutely amazing car, I’m bowled over by the innumerable features that modern cars possess, beautifully designed and constructed and an entirely new addition to our family; I will not be maintaining this one myself. The sound system alone is amazing.
    Plus there’s 100,000 mile warranty on all components.
    I hadn’t listened to your playlist, to be honest I rarely listen to playlists that don’t have written version so I can see what we’re dealing with, I don’t like sitting through a list and not knowing what’s playing or what’s coming up. But I just scrolled through it and it sounds like there’s enough there that I might find interesting. Thanks.

    • Hip Hop changed the European perception of Lexus – Discuss.

      (no-one I knew would buy a re-badged Toyota – why? when you could get a ‘cooler’ make in the price bracket. In Europe it’d be all the German Marques – Audi, Benz, BMW – or a Saab. A decade ago you wouldn’t see a Lexus here. But name checks in Hip Hop as a lux brand has changed all that – nowadays they are all over the place.
      Gangsta Weird.
      Bet Toyota didn’t put that in their marketing brief)

  7. Shane: I’ve been intrigued with Lexus since their inception and yes, I’ve been through the “rebadged Toyota” phase and my ’18 car’ mate heaped it on me. I did consider specifically all those that you mention and did vast research into all of them, Benz was the frontrunner for quite a while, a 3-5 year old top of the line S class for around $20+K maybe, I only buy used cars. I like Audi and they were considered, BMW have a less than stellar service reputation and SAAB just went bust plus there’s very few dealers here. It came down to reliability, warranty and owner satisfaction, Lexus outstrips all competitors in these areas plus their service costs are reasonable. The closer was the TOTAL luxury built into a Lexus, I’ve got 2 Benz and a Porsche and Lexus is so far beyond anything I’d ever imagined and luxury features are far more important to me now than performance. Toyota does a great job with it, every detail has been very well thought out. I’ll keep you informed if you’re interested.

    • I’m interested in a brand way – how Marques perceptions change- it’s a hangover from media analysis.

      My driving days are now strictly a SEAT ecomotive (a re-badged VW) the most fuel efficient cheap family car, with no road tax and tiny co2 emissions…. i had my fun with a fake Lotus 7 on a race track (as we have mentioned before) and off road a Fugitive kit car (basically welded pipes on a beetle chassis with fat off road tyres)… bit of a save the planet type now.. I’m a mass of contradictions.

      PS shoey – how are we doing for your comment number league table?

  8. finally got some computer time (albeit in the office!) to listen to this Shoey.

    All good, especially the Eels and the Nina Nastasia, I liked the Broken Family Band too.

    I’ve always shied away from Eels. i’m not sure why, they just seemed too……erm…….I don’t know, too much of a persona?? even though I know all the death and depression was genuine, it just dudn’t move me………but I may have to give them another chance

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