10 Songs

They say a good image is worth 1000 words but can any old image be worth a song. Ten songs would be nice. Go ahead, suggest a song.

Do certain images make you think of certain songs? Does music bring images to mind? I can answer yes to both, but I’m intrigued to find out if others do.

I can make this a regular topic or others can take up the reins. And as the sort of host liable to walk out of my own party to find somewhere quieter, don’t expect many replies.

Riffing on Fintan’s reply, here’s an image to show you don’t need to take a photo or draw. I used MS Bing Image Creator and the prompt:

Male teenager and female teenager sat in a classic American car In Colorado. They are waiting outside an American pizza diner. Use the graphic novel style of Daniel Clowes.

34 thoughts on “10 Songs

    • I think it’s a great idea but I haven’t thought of anything yet, will get back to you. Perhaps we could do something on synaesthesia too.

  1. And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
    I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon
    Pink Floyd’s brain damage from the dark side of the moon resonates with me!

  2. First thing that came to me was Bridie Jackson and the Arbour, and “Far From The Tree”. I can’t find the lyrics but it was basically about people’s responses to an epileptic child, and how the parents dealt with it. And proceeds went to Epilepsy Action, or some such. But here is Boy Hits Car, and “I’m a Cloud” , which was my go to when I used to get off the train on the way home after work: https://youtu.be/JGTJv4OVJPM?si=6EcVZqS1sNbXKfUB

    • Oh that was unnerving. I mean your reply not the song, which I enjoyed.

      Anyway, I was just about to start taking selfies to send to my girlfriend (and to mark another milestone) when I got a call from my sister. She went on to tell me she had had a fall.

      The hidden problem with that is she’s recently had seizures without convulsions during her sleep. Now, tripping over happens to us all but she doesn’t remember anything but the impact of the fall.

      Worrying times. We spent a lot of time today learning about seizures. We also joked a lot about her seizures but it was very bad taste.

      My reaction partly explains why I struck this pose. There are much nicer photos but I thought this would give people something to work with.

        • I’ll pass on your wishes.

          It’s difficult. She’s not allowed to drive. She shouldn’t be operating machinery (she is). The different parts of the health service don’t communicate well with each other. She has another phone consultation next week. Let’s see.

          She has Rebellion tickets though.

          • “The different parts of the health service don’t communicate well with each other.”
            That’s true. We’ve just been going round in circles with wyngate jnr who’s been having recurring constipation problems , bad enough to be off school for days at a time. A senior GP at our local surgery has now said they will oversee his case so that is a step forward. Happily it’s not affected him for over two weeks now.
            Just ordered my Rebellion ticket.

          • Very glad to hear a senior GP has got involved.

            It’s really not that hard to link all the different units of a health service together via a central system so that everyone involved can access the information and work together.

        • I was listening to Blondie’s Accidents Never Happen when I read your reply.

          Actually, I’m not sure anyone should be thinking along the same lines as me 😁 but I do I do find the idea comforting.

          I hope she is too. I can tell she’s a bit worried.

          It won’t be until the end of June before we have a definite answer. So far away.

  3. A very random image. One like many associated with the first listen of a tune. Simon & Garfunkel’s I am A Rock conjures the entrance to Shakey’s Pizza Parlor in Reno every time i hear ” a winter’s day in a deep and dark December”. It had just come on the radio as I pulled up with my date and I insisted we listen before turning off the car. I long ago accepted the inevitability I would always see that. A very favorite song BTW and much listened too. It’s a very pleasant warm memory & totally incongruous with the song’s subject matter.

  4. Paul Hampton – Two Hour Honeymoon. A contemporary at Brill with Burt Bacharach, who arranged this, Paul sounds as bewildered and frustrated as your guy in the picture.

  5. I know the rent is in arrears
    The dog has not been fed in years
    It’s even worse than it appears
    But it’s alright

    The Dead’s attitude to getting old, grey and past it: we will survive!

    (Chris, of course)

  6. Best wishes to your sister, I do hope she gets some effective treatment sorted soon. The photo of you made me think of Feel The Pain by the Damned (hope you don’t mind) and the American photo makes me think of a book called the Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater, which is not that good, but I enjoyed it. I often find particular songs get attached to books if I listen to them when I read them, or places. It’s all very interconnected. The art makes me think of Route 66 by the Rolling Stones.

    • Feel the Pain fits perfectly. I wouldn’t have put that photo up this week as I feel really good and my studies and work have been so enjoyable.

      Books and music. Oh. I can go for that. Definitely must do that. Not read the book or the author but I like the title.

      Yes. That’s a Route 66 feeling. I knew it would give that type of image. . . . There are so many problems with AI. But that’s for another post.

  7. All we seem to do these days is wave our arms and yell
    Other people are hell
    And what’s that song you’re singing, “Everybody Hurts”?
    And everybody lies
    Don’t want to remember, too many regrets
    And no cigarettes
    Cause I’m not a smoker
    But I said I was
    And the elevator stuck between the floors
    Is getting to me
    Don’t let him forsake you
    Wrack him up and knock him down again
    You’re changing direction
    I won’t know where I was
    The back end of the pantomime horse
    Is getting to me

    Withered Hand – No Cigarettes

  8. AI can be fun? Who knew? Quick review of image follows:

    1. I never looked that cool in my life but will accept artistic license.

    2. I’m sure my date was that attractive with following qualifications.
    A. As it was February and snow on the ground we were buried in clothing.

    B. I was 17.

    3. Extra points for mountains. Minor deduction for lack of snow.

    4. A High School acquaintance drove a Cortina. Even that curio was a left hand drive. Major deduction.

    5. What’s a pipza? 🧐

    • AI is really good fun. But it deals in cliche unless you can refine a vision. That’s why I wrote Colorado and not Reno.

      I’ve been to Reno in the middle of winter and yes, it was cold and snowy. I think we tried to scam free drinks and pretend to play the slots before we got back on the Greyhound.

      I love AI spelling but it won’t get a job in the real world. It really needs a good education.

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