22 thoughts on “Eyeworms: Give us a word that starts with r

  1. Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby! As in the song. (I lisp with R but I can say “Ruby’. It was a bugger when I worked in the Diwectorwate of Wuwal Affairs, though).

  2. Rumbunctious.

    I’ve always spelt it with ‘rum’ at the front, although ‘ram’ appears to be more common. Both seem appropriate for a word relating to disorder….

  3. Right is a word that has completely lost it’s meaning these days, other than as an opposite to ‘left’. We need a new word for the political right these days as there’s far too much overlap between ‘correct’ and fascist’ in many minds.

  4. That’s two of my possible choices gone! Erm….


    A Scottish dish similar to bubble and squeak, with potatoes, cabbage and onion.

  5. Rawhead. Often accompanied by bloody-bones, an old term for a scary supernatural apparition often with a skull only partially covered in skin. Also a song by Siouxsie and the Banshees.

  6. Rabelaisian- mainly because I went to see Poor Things last night which is an adaptation of a book by probably my favourite author Alisdair Gray, whose writing I once saw described as having “Rabelaisian gusto”. I didn’t know until 56 minutes ago but it means “displaying earthy humour; bawdy”.

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