18 thoughts on “Eyeworms: Give us a word that starts with ei

  1. Eighteen.
    An age utterly wasted by most of those it is bestowed on!
    And the subject of that pub table conversation game:
    “What would you give to be 18 again?”
    That used to be quite a fun debate, generating laughs, mock-sacrifices and incredulity in equal measure, but you know what? I’m past that. I wouldn’t be 18 in 2024 for “all the tea in China” – as used to be the phrase.
    Good luck kids. You’re going to need it to dig the world out of the impossibly deep hole our generations have dropped you in.

    • For years my response to the “Be 18 again* game was no but I would do 28 again. Lately I’ve been trying to leverage 48 into the bargain.

  2. Ei – the German word for egg, containing no consonants. Or it could be ‘his’ in Welsh.


    Einsteinium – a chemical element with symbol Es and atomic number 99. I only know of this from watching Pointless.

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