End Of The Week Quiz

1. After having my kitchen renewed last summer I looked for something to put on the new walls…. and ended up buying several original pieces of art for different walls in the house, including one in my living room that had been bare for years. What is on your living room wall? Flying ducks, photos, posters, a stag’s head, a priceless Picasso or nothing?

2. Last week’s Aliquestions identified that some superstitions are maybe just habits. So, are you a creature of habit? When not controlled by work or other outside influences, do you follow the same routines or is every day a magical road of discovery? OCD sufferers need not respond.

3. Everybody needs good neighbours, so the song goes. I have been fairly lucky with neighbours in the past: most have been friendly and, in some cases, outright helpful. I’m on at least nodding terms with everyone in my current street apart from the nasties immediately next door, who are permanently angry at the world and appear to believe I’m to blame. Have you ever lived next door to note-worthily bad – or good – people?

4. An old codger asks: Headphones used to be devices for listening to stuff without disturbing family/housemates yet now, it seems, they are fashion items that insulate people from everyone in the street. Do you carry your personal soundtrack with you everywhere or do you endure the sound of traffic, birds and other humans instead?

5. Laughter is, of course, the best medicine. What or who is most likely to crack you up? A particular comedian, a classic sitcom, a film, a cartoon, a cat video, the bloke down the pub or even naked schadenfreude?

This is currently the penultimate EOTWQ, with uncleben scheduled for next week. Ali’s original idea to resurrect it has definitely been a success and, if anyone still wants a go, either speak up and I’ll schedule it or just do it when you have the urge! It can be a sporadic feature rather than an unbroken chain of posts.