End of the Week Quiz

A clock , just in case you were wondering

  1. Sorry, I’m a bit late. This is not unusal, I have quite poor time keeping, which has resulted in several embarrassing / funny situations. I once arrived for a funeral just after it had finished – I’d like to think the departed person would have understood. Once as a student I arrived for a tutorial to be greeted with a heavily ironic “Well this is excellent” from the tutor who then encouraged to sit in a comfy armchair and “start as you mean to go on”. The tutorial wrapped up 10 minutes later. I was bemused until a fellow student explained I’d arrived an hour and 10 minutes late, not just 10 minutes as I’d thought . Possibly even more embarassing though was when I arrived for a lecture thinking again I was slightly late but then didn’t recognise anyone in the lecture and the penny dropped , I was in fact a day early. So , how is your timekeeping , and has it ever resulted in funny or embarrassing moments?
  2. I’ll put this one bluntly – Do you think you’re normal? My timekeeping issus would appear to be down to my dyspraxia. In recent years there has been much greater awareness of neurodiversity and also mental health conditions. A backlash is of course underway with certain leading Tories talking about overdiagnosis. My personal theory is that there is no one who is normal , and those who are convinced they are seem to be a seething mass of neuroses just under the surface. But no judgement here! If you feel you are normal then feel free to say so. If you aren’t , how do you differ from the norm?
  3. One thing that is often deemed “normal” is patriotism. Here in England we have just had St Georges Day which is increasingly becoming a curious occasion. I don’t remember it ever being a big deal growing up , but then the far right started loudly complaining that we “weren’t allowed” to celebrate it and now that it is much more prominent they have used it as an opportunity to kick off in order to try to prove that they still “aren’t allowed” to celebrate. Personally I’ve never considered myself patriotic, although on the other hand I’m about as English as you get in terms of culture, sense of humour , temperement etc and don’t feel at home anywhere else. I don’t feel the need to wave a flag though, although I’m happy to let others do that if they want. So, do you think of yourself as patriotic (wherever you are from ), and if so what does that mean?
  4. This week I went to a very uncomfortable work meeting , although I won’t elaborate for confidentiality. It reminded me though that I’ve been in many awkward or otherwise painful work meetings in my life. One sticks on my head which was at a hostel I used to work at. We worked shifts and I was due to leave at 4pm to start a long weekend off. It was the monthly team meeting and my colleague who was coming on for the overnight shift had arrived armed with a 20 point agenda. .Each point dragged on and on and descended into arguments. At one point I noticed two seperate debates had developed , neither of which were anything to do with work, one of which was a heated debate about Marcus Garvey. I nipped to the kitchen for half an hour for a bite to eat and no one had even noticed I’d gone. Eventually it got to 7.30pm and we were only on point 3 so I just got up to leave, to a frosty “Where are you going?” I pointed out I’d finished worked 2 and a half hours ago and walked out. So, have you had any particularly bad work meetings? Any experiences you want to share?
  5. It was Record Store Day the other day. I’m guessing we are all familiar with the idea. Record Store Day – yay or nay?