This Week I Have Mostly Been Listening To… The Pearlfishers

A few years ago, I spent a whole year posting a different song by a Scottish band or artist every day on Facebook.

The resulting 365 song playlist was heavily biased in favour of the sort of Indie Pop that I love listening to with plenty of contributions from bands such as Orange Juice, Belle & Sebastian, The Cocteau Twins, Trashcan Sinatras, Teenage Fanclub, The Blue Nile, Aztec Camera et al. Along the way, followers suggested songs and artists to include and I gained a few new acts to explore.

Curiously, nobody mentioned one particular band that I, at the time, had never heard of. I can only imagine that they had also never heard of them because otherwise there’s really no excuse for it. The band in question are the subject of this week’s blog and I have no idea how I had managed to avoid them for so long…

If I asked some sophisticated AI software to invent the perfect (Scottish) Indie Pop band, a band that I would love, I think that it would come up with The Pearlfishers.

Since discovering them in October 2022 – just 31 years after their debut release! – I have spent a lot of time catching up. The band are about to release their 11th album and I have no doubt that it will be up to the standards of the previous ten.

Chief songwriter, David Scott, has clearly spent a lot of time listening to bands like The Beatles, The Beach Boys and Steely Dan as well as many of the more contemporary artists that I listed above. It’s pure melodic indie pop and I won’t have a word said against it!
