4:3 aspect ratio 1991esque nouveau vision-mixergaze indie

I still have an massive soft spot for stuff that looks and sounds like it was on the Chart Show Indie Chart in the early 90s (as you know), so it was more than a pleasant surprise when one of my fave bands came out with this new video. They’re called Ringo Deathstarr, and I defy you all to give me an example of a band with a better name that that.

Youn Sun Nah- Enter Sandman

My latest post-jazz post features a French based, Korean singer whose new album is doing well in the French jazz charts (though it received a lukewarm reception in the Guardian).

It’s de rigueur for post-jazz artists to cover grunge or metal hits, and I think Youn Sun Nah delivers one of the best recent efforts, stripping this song back to its skeleton to focus on the quite decently creepy lyrics, and indulging in some tasteful Purim-esque screaming midway through.