4:3 aspect ratio 1991esque nouveau vision-mixergaze indie

I still have an massive soft spot for stuff that looks and sounds like it was on the Chart Show Indie Chart in the early 90s (as you know), so it was more than a pleasant surprise when one of my fave bands came out with this new video. They’re called Ringo Deathstarr, and I defy you all to give me an example of a band with a better name that that.

31 thoughts on “4:3 aspect ratio 1991esque nouveau vision-mixergaze indie

  1. Oh…I like that, does the video work differently if you wear 3D glasses?!

    The name did instantly remind me of Californian Ramones-esque punkers John Cougar Concentration Camp…..not a very PC name I suppose, but…….

  2. Enjoyed the track.. isn’t that almost exactly the Loveless cover somewhere near the end, with the shaky guitar superimposed over the pink background…

  3. i’ve got ‘imagine hearts’
    really reminds me of Ultra Vivid Scene – but with less weedy vocals – this tracks cool too.

    didn’t I try to jam them in the beatles week?

  4. Tribute bands are good (if obvious) ground for comedy names: take Creedence Clearwater Revival Revival.
    I’d like to see Holy Fuck on tour with Fuck Buttons, if only for the “Holy Fuck Buttons” poster to grab on the way out.

  5. This Curve?

    Hey did you have this compilation?

    Dino Records released the Indie Comp ‘Precious’ in 1992.

    1.: Dragging Me Down – Inspiral Carpets
    2.: Weirdo – Charlatans
    3.: Fool’s Gold – Stone Roses
    4.: Twisterella – Ride
    5.: Drowners – Suede
    6.: Loaded – Primal Scream
    7.: There’s No Other Way – Blur
    8.: Shine On – House Of Love
    9.: Sit Down – James
    10.: Real Real Real – Jesus Jones
    11.: Make It Mine – Shamen
    12.: Hit – Sugarcubes
    13.: For Love – Lush
    14.: Monsters And Angels – Voice Of The Beehive
    15.: Size Of A Cow – Wonder Stuff
    16.: Planet Of Sound – Pixies
    17.: Kinky Love – Pale Saints
    18.: Glad – Spaghetti Head
    19.: Soon – My Bloody Valentine
    20.: Love Your Money – Daisy Chainsaw

    Now that was a canny spend of a few quid back then, it’s amazing to think the influence one CD can have on you. course it’s all different these days with the internets and everything, grumble grumble…

    • that is a great great comp…………can’t quite recall Spaghetti Head (surely one of the worst band names ever!) but every other track is a stone cold classic, which I own in some capacity – mostly on cassette.

      surely it’s time for a WonderStuff revival? No?…oh, ok….

  6. ***contentious point coming up***

    I wonder how Shirley Manson can sleep at night, knowing that she stole Curve’s career and turned it into Garbage…..

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