‘old time’ tracks that I might have nominated before:
[Audio http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1075113/argue/10%20Meet%20Me%20At%20The%20Shooting%20Range.mp3, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1075113/argue/10%20Need%20To%20Shout.mp3, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1075113/argue/08%20The%20Warning.mp3, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1075113/argue/09%20Cease%20And%20Desist.mp3, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1075113/argue/08%20Fight.mp3, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1075113/argue/02%20I%20Don%27t%20Have%20To%20Stand%20Here%20With%20Y.mp3%5D1 Meet Me At The Shooting Range Ballboy 2002
2 Need To Shout Architecture In Helsinki 2005
3 The Warning Hot Chip 2006
4 Cease And Desist Brakes 2006
5 Fight Art Brut 2005
6 I Don’t Have Time To Stand Here With You Fighting About The Size Of My Dick Ballboy 2004

after the jump a few tracks from 2010 – really wouldn’t bet my life on them being strictly on theme – reasons for arguing/ disagreements and a bit of a tiff maybe.. but a proper full blown argument on vinyl- not really.
just thought a playlist from this year keeps me from repeating myself – do hope you enjoy.
if you fancy some more there is an argue BOX down the side of the sane asylum
that really completes my self indulgence.

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I Am Kloot in a church – I am going: rejoice!

Just over a year ago, I had to choose between the RR Northern Social in Leeds, or a gig by The Unthanks at Halifax Parish Church (now Halifax Minster). Whilst I’m glad I decided to go to The Pack Horse for a fine evening of drinking and chat, I did retain a touch of regret that I’d missed a rare chance to hear some modern music in a very different gig environment.

Well, WOO-HOO! I’m going there now in January. Sneaking a second advance pass from DarceysMam in the same month, by the underhand ruse of me and DarceysUncle buying each other a ticket for our respective birthdays before Christmas, I will be spending the evening of Friday 21st January 2011 finally getting to see I Am Kloot.

Tickets still available: anyone?