I Am Kloot in a church – I am going: rejoice!

Just over a year ago, I had to choose between the RR Northern Social in Leeds, or a gig by The Unthanks at Halifax Parish Church (now Halifax Minster). Whilst I’m glad I decided to go to The Pack Horse for a fine evening of drinking and chat, I did retain a touch of regret that I’d missed a rare chance to hear some modern music in a very different gig environment.

Well, WOO-HOO! I’m going there now in January. Sneaking a second advance pass from DarceysMam in the same month, by the underhand ruse of me and DarceysUncle buying each other a ticket for our respective birthdays before Christmas, I will be spending the evening of Friday 21st January 2011 finally getting to see I Am Kloot.

Tickets still available: anyone?

5 thoughts on “I Am Kloot in a church – I am going: rejoice!

  1. Read an interview with Jimmy McGovern recently (probably in the Grauniad) in which he expressed the view that Chris Ecclestone’s face is getting ever more beautiful as the years go by. Hadn’t seen it until this video – he really is weathering in a very interesting, characterful way. Hope for us all, etc! Nice song too – not sure I’ve knowingly heard I Am Kloot before. Enjoy the concert. I do like a gig in a church – off to see Roddy Woomble at the Union Chapel next year (March, I think) and already looking forward to it.

  2. I AM Kloot are playing Norwich Art Centre Too (it’s an old church) such lovely sound… my pass is going to make it into the city- should have tried a major trip across country pass and joined you in Halifax.

    was wondering which Kloot song best summed up the ability to argue with oneself!

  3. and ‘ONE MAN BRAWL’ would fit too..

    but more importantly.. what was you doing up at 3 am?

    is it work or is it your birthday today?
    (just popped over to RR and indeed it is your birthday)

    happy celebrations my friend – do hope the car isn’t too drifted in – as I’m on leave for a week I will crack open something nice tonight and toast your health and happiness.
    huge hugs from the family sane!

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