I Am Kloot in a church – I am going: rejoice!

Just over a year ago, I had to choose between the RR Northern Social in Leeds, or a gig by The Unthanks at Halifax Parish Church (now Halifax Minster). Whilst I’m glad I decided to go to The Pack Horse for a fine evening of drinking and chat, I did retain a touch of regret that I’d missed a rare chance to hear some modern music in a very different gig environment.

Well, WOO-HOO! I’m going there now in January. Sneaking a second advance pass from DarceysMam in the same month, by the underhand ruse of me and DarceysUncle buying each other a ticket for our respective birthdays before Christmas, I will be spending the evening of Friday 21st January 2011 finally getting to see I Am Kloot.

Tickets still available: anyone?