End Of The Week Quiz

Over the years I have become very wary of TV and film adaptations of novels, especially novels that are dear to me. If I see an adaptation of a novel on TV or a streaming service I haven’t yet read, I always make sure I read it before watching the screen version. Of course, I understand that most novels need a lot of editing and plot streamlining to become filmable, but some screenplays absolutely destroy the essence of a book that makes it special.Anyway, on to the questions.

John Le Carré is one of my favourite writers. His work transcends the espionage genre. In my opinion, the very best adaptation of any of his books is the 1979 BBC adaptation of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. It seems to get right to the core of the book and has a wonderful plausibility. What is your favourite adaptation of a novel by a favourite author?

Science Fiction, certainly since the success of Star Wars is big business with the major studios, but I find a lot of filmed S.F. disappointing and lacking nuance and depth in favour of thrills and spills. What S.F. film or series adapted from a novel would you recommend as a success in terms of those things?

I am a huge fan of Con Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories but I really cannot abide most screen portrayals of Holmes. For me, there is only one screen Holmes and that is Jeremy Brett. Who is your favourite Sherlock, assuming that you have one?

There was a tradition of adaptations of literary and classic novels in the 1970s and 80s, Robert Graves’ I, Claudius being a personal favourite. This seems to have been replaced now in favour of original scripts for TV alternatives. What classic serials from the past stick in your mind as especially good?

Finally, do you have a novel or series of novels that you think ought to be given the screen treatment?