Brought to you by a cancelled appointment…

I like knitting and presenting myself sideways. Your favoured quirks?

I recently got all excited about a Grauniad article full of ideas for your lunchbox (can’t find it now, though, so maybe it was just a dream). If you take a lunchbox with you, be it to work, on a hike, or I can’t think of another example, what do you put in it? My standard peanut butter sandwich with carrot sticks got lame about 6 1/2 years ago, so I’d like some new ideas.

Do you support crowdfunders? Are you a patreon? I support a couple of local musicians and a designer of knitted hats on patreon and occasionally splurge on a crowdfunded CD. Some months I actually go through my finances and think I must be mad, but then I just forget about it again…

I’ve got holiday due the same week TheBoyWonder is playing a couple of gigs in England with Philine Sonny, so I thought I might come over, visit some people, maybe go to the Bristol gig with my sister or (gasp!) try and organise a mini-social. Then I realised I now need a passport to come to the UK. That’s €70 before I even think about what to put in my lunchbox, plus I need an appointment at my local council office to apply for said passport (there’s no sending off for stuff here). Date of the first gig: May 8th. First available appointment: May 6th. How long until the passport’s ready? Six weeks after the appointment. Oh goody, a dilemma! What’s your bureaucratic pet hate?

And, finally, a question for those of us past the age of 21 or thereabouts. I spent a long, long time selling records, which I loved, then I had a couple of got-to-pay-the-rent-somehow jobs after the shop got shut down. Two years ago I started a new job which I rather enjoy and it turns out I’m pretty good at. What skill or passion did it take you a lifetime to discover?

Thank you for reading this far. Go on, you know you want to write answers!