Festive ‘Spill, 2010 – The Ones

Festive ‘Spill, 2010 – The Twos

Festive ‘Spill, 2010: The Threes

We now return to our scheduled program, already in progress: Now new & improved, in glorious Blimpysound, with added Barbryn,Magicman & Fintan.

Carole’s Albums of the Year

I don’t buy a huge amount of new music, which I doubt comes as too much of a surprise to people. However, I think that 2010 has been an excellent year for new music, albeit not always produced by new acts.

This year I have been enjoying a few new things, and one or two by people that I maybe should have picked up on earlier.

So, in no particular order, my favourite albums of the year are

Best Coast and Crazy For You

Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan‘s Hawk

apologies for the sound quality on that one, but I wanted a video with some action rather than just a shot of the album cover.

Grinderman‘s second outing

Robert Plant‘s Band Of Joy

Gorillaz‘s Plastic Beach

And Warpaint‘s The Fool

I have also enjoyed Robert Fripp and Theo Travis performing some amazing ambient soundscapes on their Live in Coventry Cathedral album, which was recorded in 2009 but released this year. Unfortunately, I can’t find any clips of this.

Festive ‘Spill 2010 – The Threeplay

‘Tis about that time so let’s launch Festive ‘Spill 2010. Continuing the tradition established by the late, great John Peel, when we sort out our fave tunes of the year to listen to over the festive season.

Quick reminder of how to play The ‘Spill version:

– Each ‘Spiller (or RR lurker) can nominate 3 songs.

– Songs should be new releases from 2010 (or late 2009). If you don’t have any faves from this year, you may pick 3 tunes that you think are fitting for the occasion. Please be clear which pick is which (#3,#2 or #1), as we playlist everyone’s choices countdown stylee, a few days before Christmas.

– Send your nominations to shoemail@earthlink.net. Your e-mail should contain URL links to actual mp3′s (You can use your private folder in Dropbox; Don’t use the RR folder as this will spoil the surprise.). Please leave the files there until you get a confirmation from me that I’ve got them. If you are fearful or inadequate with the technology, just send me a list of picks and I’ll see what the elves can do.

– Nominations are on a first come, first served basis. So vote early. If one of your picks is taken, I will e-mail you back so you can make another one.

– Now that we’ve done this twice before, it is now an official ‘Spill tradition. Please take part if you can.