The Wheel of Your Tune

The Wheel of Your Tune works like this; I metaphorically turn my spinning top to reveal a random letter and number. The letter relates to an artist or the name of an album in my collection and the number relates to the track by that artist or on that album. This week’s spin landed on N8.

I seem to own a phenomenal number of tracks and albums by artists beginning with N. I’ve got a lot to choose from so have chosen a favourite track 8. This by Nitin Sawhney from his 2001 album Prophesy narrowly pipped Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds (Are You) the One That I’ve Been Waiting For. Here we are then:

Breathing Light

What’s your N8?

The Wheel of Your Tune

Hi ‘Spillers

I thought I’d shamelessly steal an idea from a radio programme I listen to for a little bit of fun.  The Wheel of Your Tune works like this; I metaphorically turn my spinning top to reveal a random letter and number.  The letter relates to an artist or the name of an album in my collection and the number relates to the track by that artist or on that album.  This week’s spin landed on C and 9.

My nomination this week is Brazilian group CSS and the 9th track on their 2005 album Cansei de Ser Sexy, Alcohol.

Please play along and nominate your C9 tracks.