Rebellion Memories part 2


As you might imagine you don’t attend nearly every Holidays In The Sun / Wasted / Rebellion without the odd amusing memory. Sometimes you haven’t even got there before it occurs. Once me and a friend set off to get the train and I commented that I had that nagging feeling that I’d forgotten something, but hey, you always get that. As we were about to board the train I remembered – I’d forgotten our tickets for the whole weekend! On another occasion we were stuck in a traffic jam when I noticed that the car stuck next to us was carrying none other than Bruce Forsyth. I plucked up the nerve to do “the pose” – I knew he’d love it, I bet no one had ever thought of it before – when I saw that he’d realised he’d been spotted and was shielding his face. ….Here’s a few favourite memories…

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Rebellion Memories part 1


It’s that time of year again, I’m off to sunny Blackpool in the morning. I’m intending to do the usual write up, but it occurred to me there were quite a lot of years of Holidays In The Sun / Wasted / Rebellion before I started scribbling stuff down , and a lot of memories so here’s part one of a two part trawl through the back waters of my mind. This part covers a few of the many performances that stick in my mind – some good, some bad, some just unlikely. Part 2 will focus on what I’ll call “incidents”.

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