More Great Expectations – Alfie Hisself

Wyngate has a recent posting on the ‘Spill called ‘Great Expectations’ about Joy Division. That is a subject on me mind at the mo’.

Edddie Izzard begins a show at the Edinburgh Fringe this weekend where he is reading from the Dickens book of that name. Sold out in seconds, but I got tickets for some later shows in October and, as is my habit, did some T-shirts for us to wear. The theme being to imagine the Muppets doing it as a movie with Izzard as the guest, like Michael Caine did for Christmas Carol.

Turns out the shows in October are nothing to do with Dickens. Those readings are just a couple of shows at the Fringe and we’ll be seeing his general touring show. No-one will understand what the hell the t-shirts are on about!

Anyhap here are some photos, above, of the latest Great Expectations t-shirts, showing front and back.

There’s also an example of some Monty Python t-shirts I did for the shows at the O2. Me, son and daughter, plus her fella went by bus boat from the London-Eye to Millennium Dome and Eddie Izzard walked past us carrying pints of ale. He stopped to chat about the t-shirts for ages – me daughter loves him to bits so was thrilled. So I felt we ought to do some for his show too.