Good Advice

On the last day of your life, don’t forget to die

So sang David Berman in his song, Advice To The Graduate. Unfortunately he didn’t forget.

He wrote and performed some wonderfully original, amusing and thought-provoking songs and these are all that are left. They’re worth checking out. I believe he had started performing again with Purple Mountains but these examples are from his three Silver Jews albums: Starlight Walker, The Natural Bridge and American Water.

Summer ‘Spill – The Sixties

Playlist is 3 songs each from:
Alimunday, Chris7572, Debbym, Fuel, Leaveitallbehind, Magicman, Mnemonic, Nilpferd, Olivebutler (Welcome to The ‘Spill, Olive), Raviramen, Severin & Shoegazer.

Feel free to play “who picked what?” in the comments

Thanks to all contributors and to Saneshane for the artwork.

Enjoy & Have a great Summer.

UPDATE: Now include Glasshalfempty’s picks that got lost in the post. GHE included a tune from 1965 – so now there is something for each year of the sixties in the playlist.